Brooding On

Spring Color Pop!

Our house is decorated mostly in neutral colors.  This is especially true of our living room (now that it is painted cream rather than blue).  So, for spring, I thought I would inject a bit of color into our living room.  I decided to go with yellow because 1.) it epitomizes spring for me 2.) I love yellow! 3.) I can't wear yellow well.  It just doesn't look good on me.  But, it turns out, it does look good on my sofa!
All told, this little living room spruce-up cost me $6.61 (one can of spray paint and 3/4 yard of yellow burlap to recover the pillow).

I used the spray paint to yellow-fy two frames, one decorative bowl, and two lovely birdies.

Placed at random throughout the room, these little pops of color really bring spring to the living room!