Brooding On

What Soap Can You Not Live Without?

I'm just wrapping up a 4-hour-long soap packaging session.  My fingers are covered in dried, stringy hot glue, I've burnt the sensation out of a few fingertips, and I've got hundreds of pieces of burlap thread clinging to my sweatpants (yes, sweatpants.  Have you stepped foot outside today?  It's entirely too cold for any other type of pants.)

Clockwise from 12:00:  Oatmeal Cinnamon, Live Well, Him, Pure, Charcoal Cucumber.  The center bar is a seasonal one, so please disregard for now.  :)

Clockwise from 12:00:  Oatmeal Cinnamon, Live Well, Him, Pure, Charcoal Cucumber.  The center bar is a seasonal one, so please disregard for now.  :)

To reward myself for all my hard work, I decided to snap a pretty soap picture.  I just love pretty soap pictures.  So, above are all the soaps I am currently producing in bulk.  It's a lot of variety.  I've got a couple other scents I'd like to play around with for 2015, but I'm afraid that may mean retiring one of these classic Brood Farm soaps.  Limiting the number of scents I always have available really helps streamline the production process for me.  The problem is that I am entirely ill-equipped to decide which soap to retire.  I LOVE THEM ALL!  That's why I make them all.  Duh.

Will you help me?  If you are a Brood Farm soap lover, please let me know which scent you just can't live without.  Are there any of them that if the scent were retired, you would just have to boycott showers until your loved ones convince me to bring it back?  Or, conversely (if you promise to keep it kind and gentle, remembering that I love them all), which soap would you not mind to say goodbye to? 


To help you out, the names of each soap are in the caption above.  

Once I get enough feedback, I'll let you know what I've decided.  Thanks in advance for your help!