Brooding On

Hey, While You're Up. . .

I am a mother of three who has only been pregnant once.  Actually, it's been over a decade now since I was pregnant, but I can still remember it vividly.  I mostly LOVED being pregnant.  The process and anticipation and miracle of it all were just overwhelmingly wonderful. 

We lived in New Orleans at the time and were surrounded by amazing cuisine.  And, during pregnancy, I REALLY enjoyed that.  In fact, I just really enjoyed food in general.  And, embarrassingly, I probably ate my ever-increasing body weight in Pop-tarts during the course of my pregnancy. 

Already sporting the "Mom Hair"  :)

Already sporting the "Mom Hair"  :)

Girl 1 was born at the end of June, so as a teacher, I was off work for about the last month.  I pretty well spent that time on the sofa, and if John happened by the fridge at any point during the course of the day, he was likely to hear, "Hey, babe.  Umm. . . while you're in the kitchen . . ."

Here on the farm, we are now within a month of when I expect the first goat babies to arrive.  This is when the mommas really start packing on the pounds.  Izzy has already got her pregnant waddle going strong.  If I so much as get close to the barn, they all start calling out at once, "Hey!  While you're in there . . . " -- begging for more food.  Sure, there's plenty for them to eat out in the field, but actually getting up and walking out there and searching for it is just. so. much. work. 

I remember the days. 

Razz, looking a bit swollen around the middle

Razz, looking a bit swollen around the middle