Brooding On

Is It a Double-Yolker?

Every so often, a chicken lays a "ginormous" egg.  Usually, Girl 2 immediately claims it as her breakfast.  And, when the time comes to crack it open, she's peering anxiously into the bowl:  will it be a "double-yolker"?  Most of the time we're not disappointed:  "Yea!  Extra protein!"


But, I thought it might be fun for you, our Brood Farm customers to have the excitement of peering into the bowl in anticipation.  So, I've begun marking potential Double-Yolkers with a question mark.

Please feel free to follow up -- I'd love to know if I've guessed right and identified a source of extra protein.  Shoot me an email or post something on our FB wall.  Oh, and enjoy!  They're pretty much large enough to make a single-egg omelette!