Brooding On

Enough is Enough: A Thanksgiving Prayer


As we head into tomorrow's holiday, let us be thankful for the "enoughness" we enjoy and remember the many who struggle through life without it.  

That We May Be Satisfied

Generous God,

Enough is enough! Or is it?

Your love and care are extended way beyond our deserving,

Way beyond our capacity to collect.

You provide us more than enough…

But Lord, so much of life disclaims that enoughness.

We hope for more than we need.

We work for more than we can obtain.

We demand more than we have earned.

We expect more than our share.

At the same time we hear story upon story of people

Truly lacking the enough we consider so basic to our lives…

Too many millions of children lack the basic nutrients

With which to build strong bodies,

As famine and adult power struggles strip their pantries bare…

God, we do affirm your enoughness.

Please, now, bestow on those so lacking:

The home, the food, and the peace they need truly to have enough.

And help us who enjoy a super-abundance

To turn our longing for more into a mission to simplify, to share,

And to follow your lead, that is, to give.

In the name of the one who gave himself, even Christ Jesus our Lord, we pray.


Jack Haberer

From Bread for the Preacher, July 2010


Hunger Week Update

So, our Thanksgiving Week Challenge is going well so far.  I'm enjoying the prayers, and our focus together on those less fortunate.  I am about tired of the Ramen, though.  As Girl 2 said at dinner the other night:  "Ramen again.  Uggghh.  BORING!"  This has been her biggest complaint lately.  

"Honey, I need you to clean your room for me."  Her reply:  "Uggghh.  Boring!"  

Or, "Let's finish that homework!"      "Uggghh.  Boring."  


But this time, I was ready for it.  "Dinner is boring?  Great!  That means we're on the right track!"

Huh?  I was able to explain to her that we want it to be boring.  If we were truly hungry, we wouldn't have the luxury of food variety.  We would eat whatever is there and be thankful for it.  

My biggest challenge has actually come after dinner.  Once the kids are in bed, I'm ready to pop some popcorn, but it doesn't really seem to fit the spirit of the challenge to eat a dinner of Ramen but then snack on whatever I'd like 2 hours later.  So, it's basically like a fast from dinnertime until breakfast, and that's been tough for me.  I like, though, how it's made me more mindful of those who can't just pop into the pantry for a bedtime snack .  This time of year especially, it seems our stomachs don't even have time to rumble before we're headed to the next Thanksgiving feast.  The evening fast is a reminder to me of what it feels like to truly be hungry at mealtime.


Anyone else doing all or part of the challenge with us?  How's it going for you?