Brooding On

An Update on the Ladies

ANNOUNCEMENT:  I've had a lot of folks asking, so I'd like to address it.  Yes, we are planning to host another Open Farm this spring.  (How can we not?  I love it so much!)  I've actually got three potential dates penciled in on my calendar right now.  I want to be sure that all our babies have arrived before we have everyone come out, so I will wait until the first birthing to decide on the final date.  I promise that, as soon as I know the date, you will know the date.  Deal? 

According to my fall breeding schedule, the first possible full-term babies could arrive as early as February 28.  That will be here before we know it!  While I do think that all three girls look bred, I am most pleased about Razz.


Last year, she had triplets, so I kind of have my fingers crossed for arepeat.  What I'm most excited about, though, is how big she already seems.  You may remember, she's the one who spent some time with Mo, our new, young buck.  I think their genetics would be a great match.  Since Mo is so young and inexperienced, though, I went ahead and put her in with Oreo later in the breeding season just to be sure we were covered.  I keep a record of all these attempted breedings, of course, so I'll know for sure who the father is based on when the babies hit the ground.

Are you following why I'm excited that she seems so far along already?  A larger belly now would indicate that her time with Mo earlier in the breeding season was fruitful! 


They are all beginning their pregnant waddles and getting pretty crabby when others try to get into their feed bowls.  These things get me excited!  I'm still a couple weeks out from being on watch around the clock, but I take joy in all the little steps along the way that lead to those adorable babies!