Brooding On

This Woman Farmer Went to Preschool

This week, I had the opportunity to pay a visit to one of our preschool classes here in Cave City.  As a part of their "Community" unit, I was asked to come speak about what I do at my job.  During the two week unit, the kids had already had a few other speakers from our community (isn't this a great idea?!).  On the day I was scheduled to visit, their teacher Crystal had read a couple farm-related books with them to provide a hint as to who might be paying them a visit.  Who did they think it would be?

A "man farmer." 

As opposed to the female speakers who had already been there.  The farmer who would come would be a MAN . . . because that's what farmers are. 

Their little minds were blown when I walked in.  I hadn't really been anticipating that that would be part of the lesson I'd bring them, but, you know, two birds/one stone.  ;)


I read them one of the new books I got recently to use in my classroom presentations.  G Is For Goat by Patricia Polacco gave them some funny info on goats and was right on their level.  (I also love and can't wait to share with an older group Beatrice's Goat about how Heifer's gift of one goat to a young girl changes the course of her life.  I think this would be a great kick-off for a classroom charity project -- it only costs $120 to provide a goat through Heifer.)


Then, I used a slideshow to explain to them what I do at my job, how amazing goats and chickens are, how every animal on the farm has a job, and how those jobs are interwoven.

Listing off all the things we can make with goat's milk.

Listing off all the things we can make with goat's milk.

They each got a little note about what they'd learned and piece of goat milk soap to take home, and I left a foaming hand soap pump to put at their classroom sink.  They were excited to try it out!

The kiddos were so well-behaved and really seemed to be eating it all up.  Crystal, thank you for sharing your little precious ones with me.  This "woman farmer" really had a great time sharing with them! 

As a former teacher, I really do relish the opportunity to visit classrooms.  Teachers, if you have a unit coming up or framework that you think some farm info could help you cover, please don't hesitate to ask!