Brooding On

How Many Times Will We Move This Hay?

Last week, John went and picked up 40 bales of hay and piled them into the truck.  Last year, that amount got us through just fine.  How much we will need this year is really anyone's guess, seeing as we don't really know whether we'll be here all year or will move the animals to bigger fields soon.
As we stacked it up in the backyard lean-to and shed, I couldn't help but wonder, "how many times will we move this hay?"  If we're able to sell the house quickly, we'll be moving it over to the new farm before we use it all up.  

I've discovered that it's difficult to be a backyard farmer while the house is on the market.  As I was planting the fall garden this past weekend, I couldn't help but wonder whether I was planting veggies that we would get to enjoy or ones that would make their way to someone else's dinner plate (or, worse, ones that would die off, not being cared for by anyone).  John keeps telling me the gardening issue is a win-win scenario.  Either we get to enjoy garden veggies OR we've sold the house -- both are good results.  :)