Brooding On

A Peek Inside the Closet

I've decided that you can tell a lot about a person by having a look inside his or her closet.  And, I don't even mean by how organized/disorganized it is. ;)
John and I will be attending a banking conference together soon, so I approached the contents of my closet, looking for things that might fall into the category of "business casual."  And, here's what my closet is telling me:  there's nothing "business" about my life. My, how things change!  There once was a time when I wore pantyhose -- every. single. day.  But, the contents of my closet today can basically be broken down into three divisions.  

First off, there's a good-sized section of running gear.  I've got gear to keep me warm while running, gear to keep me cool while running, gear to keep me dry while running, gear to keep me hydrated while running, gear to keep my hair in place while running.  Seriously.  

And, I've also got what I'd call my "practical" wardrobe.   This includes overalls and muck boots and my "paint clothes" for use during super-messy projects like painting and skinning chickens.

And, I've got my "fun clothes" -- my boho hippie-wanne-be type clothes that are basically all made of brown or grey knit that's just been sewn together in various ways.  I'd also throw my TOMS and hole-y jeans (the ones that prompted an older gentlemen I encountered in a thrift shop to offer to buy me a new pair) into this category.  

Thankfully, my sister stepped in and loaned me a few items so that I don't have to attend banking classes wearing running shorts, muck boots, or my chevron bell-bottoms.  Thanks, Jen!

Sure, there are a few items still leftover from my previous life as a teacher, but, as a result of general wear-and-tear and my changing sizes slightly and my semi-annual closet clean-outs, this section has dwindled to the point that it's difficult to even find things that fit together -- it's just the odd top and skirt that don't even really go together (maybe it's time for another closet clean-out.)  

If you're looking for the moral or lesson of this closet analysis, you'll be greatly disappointed.  I just think it's interesting that a closet tells a story -- in my case, a story of one wardrobe fading away as others take its place.  

What story would your closet tell?