Brooding On

Girl 1's Got Cantaloupe!

At the outset of the growing season, each girl got to choose two types of seeds to plant in her individual garden patch (Little Boy was my general helper this year).  Girl 1 chose carrots (which we've been enjoying for quite some time) and cantaloupe.  The pic at left is actually of one we picked a little too early (what can I say, we were excited!  It turned out to be green inside and smelled and tasted a lot like cucumber).  The pic at right, though, is of a happy little girl, taking a bite of her very own, super-sweet, backyard-grown cantaloupe!

Girl 2 chose to grow green beans (which are now canned and stacked in the pantry) and watermelon.  We're pretty close to harvest on a few of her melons, so stay tuned.  ;)