Brooding On

Goat Shed Complete!

Okay, if you have any construction expertise, please avert your eyes.  Our finished goat shed may not be up to par for you.  When John asked Girl 1 what she thought of the finished product, she gave us a long, "Hmmmmm."
He then interrupted her with, "Listen, it's not bad for having been built by two people with degrees in the humanities!"
So, yes.  It took us more than twice the time it would've taken a more experienced builder.  And, yes, we mostly figured it out as we went and spent more time problem solving than pre-planning. 
But . . . it's done!  It was a big problem that was looming over our heads.  And, it's done!
And, we did it ourselves!  I mean, two days ago, there was no building there.  Today, there is.  And, it's because we built it!  We are proof that a husband and wife team can complete a 2-day, labor-intensive project together in 110 degree heat and still like each other at the end of the day.  ;)

I know it's hard to see what's going on here, but I thought the church in the background would lend perspective to each picture.  This one was taken before we began the project.

Mid-way through

Construction complete!

And, painted!

This picture may provide the best look at how the shed actually spans the fence.  To the right of the fence is the new buck pen; they have access to the shed via the open end on the right.  To the left of the fence is the open field.
This pic is taken from inside the buck pen.  You can see how the right end is open to allow them access to the shelter.

We are currently letting the paint dry, then we'll move everybody in to their new digs.  Hopefully, when the goats are hunkered down in there, waiting for a storm to pass, they won't pass the time by scrutinizing our work.  We won't leave the level in there, though, just in case.